Notes: Location and Extent of India (Source Unacade1)
Physical Divisions of India
1. The Hindustan Tibet Road
connecting Shimla with Gartok in western Tibet passes through -(A)
Shilpi La pass (B) Zoji La
Pass (C) Thaga La
pass (D) Jelep La pass Mains 2014
Notes: Location and Extent of India (Source Unacade1)
- points to remember:
- india located in Northern Hemisphere(উত্তর গোলার্ধ)
- india shares 2.4 % land of the world
- 7th largest country in terms of size
- total area of india
- total boundary of india
- total costal boundary of india
- east,west,north,south points of india(only location name)
- indian mean time is measured in Mirzapur of Up.
- India shares maximum boundary with Bangaladesh
- Radcliff line- india pak border
- mcmohan line : India china border
- durand line:india afgan bordrr
- highest and lowest point of india
- tropic of cancer pasas through which states
Physical Divisions of India
Previous Years Questions:
1. The Hindustan Tibet Road
connecting Shimla with Gartok in western Tibet passes through -(A)
Shilpi La pass (B) Zoji La
Pass (C) Thaga La
pass (D) Jelep La pass Mains 2014
2) The Zaskar is one of the main
ranges of(A) The-great Himalayan Systems(B) The Trans
Himalayan Systems(C) The Central Himalayan Systems(D) The Middle
Himalayan Systems Mains 2014
3) The Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea
came into being during(A) Cretaceous of early tertiary period(B)
Middle of upper pleistocene period(C) Middle Miocene to lower
Pleistocene period(D) Pleistocene to Quaternary period Mains 2014
4) Fat lands are(A) Stepped
Plateau (B) High level laterite plateau
(C) Flat topped hills (D) Plateau
with isolated hills Mains 2014
5) Which ocean deep is located in
Indian Oc(A) Murray (B)
Tonga (C) Sunda
(D) Mariana Mains 2014
6) Unlike other parts of the Indian
Coast, fishing industry has not developed along the Saurashtra
Coast because (A) There are few
indentations suitable
for fishing (B) Of
overwhelming dependence on agriculture and animal husbandry
(C) The sea water is relatively
more saline (D) Of industrial
development leading to wide spread pollution of coastal area Mains 2015
7) The Western Ghats in Maharashtra is
known as (A) Nilgiris
(B) Cardamom
Hills (C)
Annamalai (D) Sahyadris Mains 2015
8) The upliftment of the Himalayas was
first initiated during the period of-
(A) Middle Pliocene (B) Middle
Oligocene (C) Middle Eocene
(D) Middle Miocene Mains
9) Structurally, the Great Himalaya
is - (A) An autochthonous
zone (B) A
par-autochthonous zone (C) An
allochthonous zone (D)
A Suture zone Mains 2015
10) Indian’s Eastern Ghats and Western
Ghats meet at the - (A) Cardamom
Hills (B) Annamalai
Hills (C) Nilgiri Hills
(D) Palani Hills Mains
11) Which one of the following is at the
lowest height above the Mean Sea
Level ? (A) Delhi
Jodhpur (C) Kota
(D) Nagpur Mains 2015
12) Which of the following Islands of
India has volcanic origin ? (A)
Car-Nicobar (B) Barren
(C) North Andaman (D) Little Nicobar Mains 2015
13) Which one of the following statements
is incorrect ? (A) Diu is an island in
the Gulf of Khambhat (B) Daman and Diu
were separated from Goa by the 56th Amendment of the Constitution
of India (C) Dadra and Nagar
Haveli were under French Colonial Rule till 1954
(D) Goa attained full statehood in 1987 Mains
14) Among the following cities which one
is the nearest to the tropic of
Cancer ? (A) Delhi
Kolkata (C) Jodhpur
(D) Nagpur Mains 2015
15) Which one of the following is most
prone to earth quake ? (A) High hill
tops (B) Young folded
mountain (C) Oil
Shields (D) All of the above Mains 2015
16) The highest peak of the Himalayas In India
is in (A) Uttar Pradesh
Kashmir (C) Sikkim
(D) Himachal Pradesh Mains 2015
17) The States which have common borden
with China are : 1.
Jammu & Kashmir 2.
Sikkim 3. Arunachal
Pradesh 4. Himachal Pradesh Which
is the correct code (A)
1 & 3 (B) 1,
3 & 4 (C) 1,
2 & 3 (D) 1, 2 ,
3 & 4 Mains 2015
18) Lacchadweep is
a (A) barrier reef
island (B) coral island
(C) fringing reef island (D) volcanic
island Mains 2016
19) Which one of the following channel
divides Minicoy from Maldives
? (A) 9°
Channel (B) 10°
Channel (C) 8° Channel
(D) Grand Channel Mains 2016
20) The channel which separates
Rameshwaram dwip from Indian main
land- (A) 9°
Channel (B) 10°
Channel (C) Palk
Strait (D) Pumban Channel Mains 2016
21) . Which of the following coast has
greatest number of lagoons ? (A)
Malabar coast (B) Konkan
coast (C) Coromondal
coast (D) Kathiawar coast Mains 2016
22) . The highest peak of South India is
- (A) Annamalai
hill (B) Palini
hill (C)
Dodabetta (D) Anamudi Mains 2016
23) . The mangroove forests are found in
- (A) Western
Ghat (B) Eastern
Ghat (C) Deltaic region of
Krishna and Godavari (D)
North-East Himalaya Mains 2016
24) . The state which has longest
coastline is - (A) Andhra
Pradesh (B) Gujarat
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Kerala Mains 2016
25) . Palk Strait separates India from
- (A)
Pakistan (B)
China (C) Sri Lanka
(D) Maldives Mains 2016
26) . The oldest mountain range of India
is - (A)
Satpura (B)
Vindhyas (C) Aravalli
(D) Himalayas Mains 2016
27) . Mcmohan Line is in between
- (A) India and Pakistan
(B) India and
Afghanistan (C) India and China
(D) Pakistan and Afghanistan Mains 2016
28) . ----- is a volcanic island of India
- (A) Narcadam
(B) New Moore (C)
Pambass (D) Rameshwaram Mains 2016
29) . Dandkaranya Project is situated
in- (A) Tamil
Nadu (B)
Maharashtra (C) Madlya
Pradesh (D) Goa Mains
30) . Which one of the following is the
boundary between India and Sri Lanka
? (A) Gulf of
Mannar (B) Palk
bay (C) Palk Strait
(D) Malacca Strait Mains 2016
31) . The highest peak of India in
Himalayan range is - (A) Mt.
Everest (B) Nanda
Devi (C) Kanchanjunga
(D) Godwin Austine Mains 2016
32) . Baralachala pass is in
- (A)
Punjab (B) Uttar
Pradesh (C)
Uttaranachal (D) Hlmachal Pradesh Mains 2016
33) . Which one of the following is not
correctly matched ? (A) Dhupgarh
: Satpura (B) Panchmarhi :
Mahadev (C) Dodagiri : Nilgiris (D)
Mahendragiri : Eastern Ghats Mains 2016
34) . Zojila is a pass between
- (A) Kashmir valley and
Laddakh (B) Lahaul valley and
Spiti (C) Chumbi valley and
Sikkim (D) Arunacha! Pradesh and Tibet Mains 2016
35) . Which one of the following mountain
range is latest in its origin
? (A) Greater Himalayas
(B) Vindhyas (C)
Siwaliks (D) Satpura Mains 2016
36) . 'Diago Garcia' is an island in the
ocean- (A)
Atlantic (B)
Pacific (C) Indian
(D) Arctic Mains 2016
37) . Southern most point of Indian
territory is- (A) Tamil
Nadu (B)
Lakshadeep (C) Trivandrum (D)
Andaman and Nicobar islands Mains 2016
38) . Saramati is the highest peak of
- (A) Naga
(B) Aravalli (C)
Himalaya (D) Nilgiri Mains 2016
39) . The Peninsular Plateau of India
extends to - (A) Mizo
hills (B) Himachal
Himalayas (C) Meghalaya hills
(D) Assam valley Mains 2016
40) . Pulicut Lake is situated at the
coast of - (A) Malabar
Coast (B) Konkan
Coast (C) Coromandal Coast
(D) None of the above Mains
41) . The channel which separates Car
Nicobar from little Andaman is
- (A). 9°
Channel (B) 8°
Channel (C) 10°
Channel (D) 7° Channel Mains 2016
42) . Majule island formed which river
? (A)
Godavari (B)
Cauvery (C) Brahmaputra
(D) Krishna Mains 2016
43) . The Garo, Khashi, Jainto hills were
formed in the same age as - (A)
Himalaya (B) Malwa Plateau
(C) Siwalik (D) Himachal Range Mains 2016
44) MacMohan Line is a boundary
between (A) India and China
(B) India and Bangladesh (C) China and
Nepal (D) India and Afghanistan Mains 2017
45) Locationally India roughly occupies
the central part of (A) the western
hemisphere (B) the eastern
hemisphere (C) the northern
hemisphere (D) the southern
hemisphere Mains 2017
46) The shape of India is approximately
a (A)
square (B)
triangular (C) quadrangular
(D) circular Mains 2017
47) The Eight Degree Channel forms the
boundary between (A) Lakshadweep
and Maldive islands (B) Andaman
and Nicobar islands (C) India and
Srilanka (D) The Arabin Sea and the
Indian Ocean Mains 2017
48) The Tropic of Cancer does not pass
through which of the following state
? (A) Madhya
Pradesh (B)
Chattishgarh (C) Bihar
(D) Jharkhand Mains 2017
49) In terms of relief the maximum area
of India is covered under (A)
mountains (B)
hills (C) plateaus (D)
plains Mains 2017
50) The foot hill areas of the Himalayas
are called (A) Basic
Himalayas (B) Southern
Himalayas (C) Siwalik
(D) Doon Mains 2017
51) Which one of the following is a
volcanic island in India ? (A) Amindivi
(B) Dadra (C)
Narcondam (D) Minicoy Mains 2017
52) The Mt. Everest is located
in (A) the Sub-Himalayan
region (B) the Lesser Himalayan
region (C) the Greater Himalayan
region (D) the Trans-Himalayan
region Mains 2017
53) 'Pat Lands' are found
in (A) the Malwa
Plateau (B) Bundelkhand
Uplands (C) Chotanagpur Plateau
(D) Maharashtra Plateau Mains
54) 'Jelep La' is a mountain pass located
in (A) Bhutan
(B) Nepal (C) Arunachal
Pradesh (D) Sikkim Mains 2017
55) Most of the highest peaks of the
Himalayas are located in (A) the
Trans Himalayas (B) the Central
Himalayas (C) the Middle
Himalayas (D) the Outer Himalayas Mains 2017
56) The Luni river has its origin
from (A) The Satpura
hills (B) The Indus
river (C) The Aravalli hills
(D) The Himalayan region Mains 2017
57) The Eastern Ghats and The Western
Ghats meet at the (A) Nilgiris
(B) Vindhyas (C)
Satpuras (D) Palni hills Mains 2017
58) The earliest rock formation in India
can be found in (A) the Deccan
plateau region (B) the Himalayan
region (C) the Ganga-Brahmapurra plain
region (D) the Deltaic region Mains 2017
59) The 'Deccan Trap' can not be found in
the state of (A)
Gujarat (B)
Maharashtra (C)
Karnataka (D) Tamil Nadu Mains 2017
60) According to ISI Seismic Risk Zones
the South Bengal Plains lie within (A)
Zone I (B) Zone
II (C) Zone
III (D) Zone IV Mains 2017
61) 'Sagarmatha' in the Himalayas is also
known as (A)
Dhaulagiri (B)
Kanchenjunga (C)
NangaParvat (D) Mt. Everest Mains 2017
62) A cold desert of India is (A)
Shillong Plateau (B)
Thar (C) Tibbet
(D) Laddakh Mains
63) Kadars are the dwellers
of (A) Palni hills
(B) Nilgiri hills (C) Anaimalai
hills (D) Travancore hills Mains 2017
64) Swatch-of-No-Ground is located
in (A) the Godavari continental
shelf (B) the Northern part of the
Indian Ocean (C) the Western coast
of India (D) the Northern part of
the Bay of Bengal Mains 2017
65)ছোটনাগপুরের মালভূমি এই শিলায় গঠিত (A) প্রাচীন আগ্নেয়া শীলা ও রুপান্তরিতশীলা (B) পাললিক শীলা
(C) পলিমাটি (D) লাভাপ্রবাহ Preliminary 2009
66)নিম্নলিখিত রাজ্য গুলির মধ্যে কোন রাজ্যের উপকূল করমন্ডল উপকূল নামেপরিচিত ? (A) কর্ণাটক
(B) কেরালা
(C) উড়িষ্যা (D) তামিলনাড়ু Preliminary 2009
67)ভারতের কোন রাজ্যের সীমানা সবচেয়ে বেশী সংখ্যক রাজ্যের সীমানা স্পর্শ করেছে ?
(A) অন্ধ্রপ্রদেশ
(B) বিহার
(C) মধ্যপ্রদেশ (D) উত্তরপ্রদেশ Preliminary 2009
68)কর্কট ক্রান্তি রেখা নিম্নলিখিত কোন রাজ্যের মধ্য দিয়ে গেছে ? (A) অন্ধ্র প্রদেশ
(B) উত্তর প্রদেশ
(C) মহারাষ্ট্র
(D) মধ্যপ্রদেশ Preliminary 2009
69)হিমালয় পর্বত শ্রেণী হল (A) নবীন ভঙ্গিল পর্বত (B) অবশিষ্ট পর্বত
(C)আগ্নেয়গিরি (D) স্তুপ পর্বত Preliminary 2009
70)উত্তর-পূর্বাঞ্চলে ভারত ও চীনের সীমান্ত রেখাকে বলা হয় (A) রাডক্লিফ লাইন
(B)ডুরান্ড লাইন
(C) ম্যাকমোহন লাইন
(D) সিগফ্রিড লাইন Preliminary 2009
71)নিম্নলিখিত বক্তব্যের মধ্যে কোনটি সঠিক নয় ? (A) দাক্ষিণাত্য মালভূমির ঢাল পশ্চিমদিকে
(B) পশ্চিমঘাট পর্বতের উচ্চতা উত্তর থেকে দক্ষিণে বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে (C)পশ্চিমঘাট পর্বতের উচ্চতা পূর্বঘাট পর্বতের থেকে বেশী
(D) দাক্ষিণাত্য মালভূমিরউত্তর-পশ্চিম অংশ লাভা গঠিত Preliminary 2009
72) The Himalayas are (A)
Fold Mountains (B) Block
Mountains (C) Residual
Hills (D) Table land Preliminary 2010
73) Coastal Regulation Zones in India
have been identified on the
basis of (A) Tidal
Height (B) Sea Level
Rise (C) Depth of Water
(D) Undersea Bathymetry Preliminary 2010
74)ভারতে অবস্থিত নিম্নলিখিত অঞ্চলগুলির কোনটি প্রাচীনতম শিলা দিয়ে গঠিত ?
A.হিমালয় পর্বত
B. সিন্ধু-গাঙ্গেয় সমভূমি C. আরাবল্লী পর্বত D. শিবালিকপর্বত । Preliminary 2011
75)‘ডানকান প্রণালী’ নিম্নলিখিত কোন দুটি দ্বীপের মধ্যে অবস্থিত ?
A. আন্দামান ওনিকোবর দ্বীপপুঞ্জ B. দক্ষিণ আন্দামান ও ক্ষুদ্র আন্দামান
C. ক্ষুদ্র আন্দামান ওনিকোবর
D. আমিনদিভি ও লাক্ষাদ্বীপ দ্বীপপুঞ্জ । Preliminary 2011
76)পীরপাঞ্জাল গিরি শ্রেণি হিমালয়ের নিম্নলিখিত অংশে অবস্থিত— (A)
‘Greater’হিমালয় বা উচ্চ হিমালয়
(B) ‘Trans Himalayas’ অংশ বিশেষ (C)
‘Lesser’হিমালয় বা মধ্যহিমালয়
(D) শিবালিক Preliminary 2012
77)পশ্চিমঘাটের পশ্চিম দিক নিম্নলিখিত ভূখন্ড দ্বারা গঠিত—
(A) ‘Cliff’ (B) ‘Autochthonous nappe’
(C) ‘Fault scarp’ (D)
‘Rockey outlier’ Preliminary 2012
78)পূর্ব ও পশ্চিম ঘাটের সংযোগস্থল হল
(A) পালনী পর্বত (B) নীলগিরি পর্বত
(C)পালঘাট গ্যাপ
(D) আন্নামালাই পর্বত Preliminary 2013
79)ক্ষেত্র হিসাবে ভারতের স্থান পৃথিবীর মধ্যে
(A) পঞ্চম (B) সপ্তম (C) দশম
(D) দ্বাদশতম Preliminary 2013
80)নিচের কোন তথ্য জোড়া সঠিকভাবে ম্যাচিং নয় ?(A) হিমালয় টার্শিয়ারি ভঙ্গিল পর্বত(B)দাক্ষিণাত্যের ট্র্যাপ শঙ্কু আগ্নেয় উদগম অঞ্চল(C) পশ্চিমঘাট প্যালিওজোয়িকভঙ্গিল পর্বত(D) আরাবল্লী প্রি-ক্যামব্রিয়ান ক্ষয়্জাত পর্বত Preliminary 2014
81) তামিলনাড়ু রাজ্যে একাধিক বন্দর থাকবার কারণ(A) এই রাজ্যের দীর্ঘতমসমুদ্রতট (B) জলের গভীরতা বেশী
(C) তীরে কিছু উপসাগর আছে
(D) তীর rocky নয় Preliminary 2015
82) দাক্ষিণাত্য জলদ্বারা পরিবেষ্টিত(A) দক্ষিণ এবং পূর্বে
(B) দক্ষিণ এবংপশ্চিমে (C) দক্ষিণ পশ্চিম, দক্ষিণ এবং দক্ষিনপূর্বে
(D) পূর্বেএবং পশ্চিমে Preliminary 2015
83) Highest peak of West Bengal belongs
to which of the following mountain ranges ?
(A) Darjeeling range (B) Singalila range
(C) Jayanti Hill (D) None of the above Preliminary 2016
84) The largest area under wasteland in
India is in : (A)
Uttar Pradesh (B) Madhya
Pradesh (C) Rajasthan
(D) Gujrat Preliminary 2016
85) Which one of the following is the
junction point of the Eastern Ghats and Western
Ghats ? (A) Javadi
Hills (B) Anaimalai
Hilla (C) Nilgiri Hills
(D) Shevaroy Hills Preliminary 2016
86) Shillong plateau is also known as
‘Meghalaya’. It was named
by : (A) O.H.K. Spate (B) S.P. Chatterjee
(C) D.N. Wadia
(D) R.L. Singh Preliminary 2016
Get the introductory idea about Physical Divisions of India
India can be divided into following physical divisions viz.
- The Northern Mountains
- The North Indian Plain
- The Peninsular Plateau
- Great Indian Desert
- The coastal Regions
- Islands
India is one of the most beautiful places on earth. India, known as the land of the rivers, has its beauty and has been extensively occupied by many passengers since ancient times. Let's learn more about India's geography.India is a vast land of our country. It stretches from Kashmir in the north to Kanyakumari in the north and Kunzin in the west direction from the east to Arunachal Pradesh to the north.
ReplyDeleteSpread over a total area of 3.28 square kilometers, it is surrounded by Himalayan in the north, the Bay of Bengal in the east, Arabian Sea in the west and the Indian Ocean in the south. India is the most diverse country in a land area and has the greatest difference in our country.
India is located in the northern hemisphere of our country between 8 ° 4'N to 37 ° 6'N earthquake and 68 ° 7'E and 97 ° 25'E length. Furthermore, the Tropic of Cancer will be affected by 23 ° 30'N latitude. Because of this, the country experiences a subtle atmosphere. Learn about India's climate in detail.
Moreover, the longest distance of the country varies. As in Arunachal Pradesh, the sun rises two hours before the Sook region. But we consider the area of 82 ° 30'E to set up Indian situation.
It is located in the western part of the state of Rajasthan and in some parts of Gujarat. Due to the hot and dry climate, there are fewer plants in this area.At the bottom of the Himalayas lies the northern plains on the right. Due to the network of large rivers such as Ganga, Sind, and Brahmaputra, these plains are filled with abundant landscape and are therefore quite rich. This is the heavy crop of crops. As a result, the northern plains have the maximum density of the population.
This range creates the backbone of the Himalayas. It has nine of the world's fourteen high peaks. The middle boundary is also called Himalayas. South-very short border, shaky range. VIEW MORE : GST Software