The Examination consist three part: Preliminary Exam Mains Exam Interview Preliminary Exam: First step to become WBCS officer start with Preliminary Exam. More then 1~2 Lac student participate in this stage. But don't worry most of them are not serious and just fill the form because their friend are also doing so. About 6~8 thousand of them pass this step. The paper will be of an objective type consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions. The paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 2½ hours duration. The exam bast on the syllabus of class 10th but at a little depth knowledge. The paper will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge: S.No Name of the Subjects Marks Exam Duration 1 English Composition 25 2 hours 30 minutes 2 General Science 25 3 Current Events of National & International Importance 25 4 History of India 25 5 Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal 25 6 Indian Polity and Economy 25 7 Indian National Mo