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Showing posts from June, 2018

WBCS Syllabus

The Examination consist three part: Preliminary Exam Mains Exam Interview Preliminary Exam: First step to become WBCS officer start with Preliminary Exam. More then 1~2 Lac student participate in this stage. But don't worry most of them are not serious and just fill the form because their friend are also doing so. About 6~8 thousand of them pass this step. The paper will be of an objective type consisting of 200 multiple-choice questions. The paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 2½ hours duration.  The exam bast on the syllabus of class 10th but at a little depth knowledge.   The paper will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge:  S.No Name of the Subjects Marks Exam Duration 1 English Composition 25 2 hours 30 minutes 2 General Science 25 3 Current Events of National & International Importance 25 4 History of India 25 5 Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal 25 6 Indian Polity and Economy 25 7 Ind...

Indus Valley Civilization

Previous Years Questions: Strategy And Important Areas: From the above questions we can understand that the questions are come from the bellow areas: 1. Name of Historians and Archaeologist related to which sites. Like: R.D. Banerjee,Dayaram Sahani,Sr.R.Rao, Canninghum,John Marshal, B.B. Lal, Joshi etc(Q2,7,10). 2. North,South,East,West corner sites(Q11). 3. Characteristics of the Civilization like town planning,house type,which product they discover (e.g. Cotton(Sindon),Silver,Gold), which products they don't know (Iron,horse,temple).(Q6,8,9,12,13,14) 4. Important sites their locations,specialities,which items discovered from which site(e.g. Dockyard, plung field of Kalibangan,Granary,dancing girl, rice).(Q1,3,4,5) 5. Few questions in Mains looks too tough like Q 9,10,11 they mostly comes from Krishna Reddy book and UPSC previous years questions. So you can look Questions after basic preparation. Everyday :: The Most Inspirational Video You will ever se...

Strategy For Quantitive Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude Strategy by RaviShankar Singh SSC CGL 2015 Rank No.1 SSC CGL Tier 1 Score 50/50 in Quantitative Aptitude AIR 27 CGL 2015, Dhiraj Singh Chauhan: Strategy for Mathematics in SSC CGL (Tier 1 & 2)

Northern Mountains (Himalayas)

Northern Mountains (Himalayas) Interesting Facts:1 What are facts about the himalayas?(Source:Quora) Points to remember: North-South divisions of Himalaya. West-East divisions of Himalaya. Important Pass,Valleys,Ranges,Characteristic deference of divisions. Notes: 1. Himalayan Ranges: Shiwaliks, Middle Himalayas, Greater Himalayas, Trans-Himalayas & Purvanchal 2. India Physiography – The Northern Mountains (Himalayas) 3. North Mountain Ranges - 1 (Unacademy) 4. North Mountain Ranges - 2 (Unacademy) Interesting Facts 2: What are the mysteries of Himalayas? (Source:Quora) Youtube Videos: Physical Features of India Mountain Ranges of India - PART 1 | North & North-East India भारत के प्रमुख दर्रे | Mountain Passes of India | Gk Tricks in Hindi | SSC Gk | Gk in Hind Interesting Facts About Himalayas || INDIA ROUNDUP Interesting Facts 3: Interesting facts about the Himalayas MCQs BASED ON THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS I TARGET SSC C...

Location and Physical Divisions of India

Location Notes:  Location and Extent of India  (Source Unacade 1) points to remember: india located in Northern Hemisphere(উত্তর গোলার্ধ) india shares 2.4 % land of the world 7th largest country in terms of size total area of india total boundary of india total costal boundary of india east,west,north,south points of india(only location name) indian mean time is measured in Mirzapur of Up. India shares maximum boundary with Bangaladesh Radcliff line- india pak border mcmohan line : India china border durand line:india afgan bordrr highest and lowest point of india tropic of cancer pasas through which states Physical Divisions of India Previous Years Questions:     1. The Hindustan Tibet Road connecting Shimla with Gartok in western Tibet passes through - (A) Shilpi La pass         (B) Zoji La Pass       (C)  Thaga La pass       (D)  Jelep La...