WBCS officer ! This name only explains the heavy job associated with it ! With arduous work and huge amount of respect for this post, can make anyone fall in love with this profession! WBCS(West Bengal Civil Service) is the most prestigious state govt job in West Bengal! The designation and opportunity of power to serve the people of your nation is enough to inspire any aspirant who want’s to do something helpful in return for his/her motherland Helps you to serve your own public socially from the grass root level...It involves to carry forward the work according to the decisions taken by government. Here clients base is very large and have a less voice. Clients in this job are general public,most of them do not know their priorities. So, civil servants work even when clients are not so demanding, also here they has to decide the priorities which are important for lager public welfare. Like me(an aspirant), many candidates are ready to leave there lucrative jobs wi...